Distribution of Deaths in the United States by Cause (%):

Distribution of Deaths in the United States by Cause (%):

2024, Sep SepJoseph Pollak

Distribution of Deaths in the United States by Cause (%):

  1. Chronic Diseases (about 70% of all deaths)

    • Heart Disease: ~20-25%
    • Cancer: ~18-22%
    • Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (e.g., COPD): ~5-6%
    • Stroke (Cerebrovascular Diseases): ~4-5%
    • Alzheimer’s Disease: ~4%
    • Diabetes: ~3%
    • Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis: ~2%
    • Kidney Diseases: ~2%
  2. Unintentional Injuries (Accidents): ~6-8%

    • Motor Vehicle Accidents: ~1-2%
    • Falls: ~1-2%
    • Drug Overdoses: ~2-3% (includes opioids and other substances)
    • Other Unintentional Injuries: ~1-2%
  3. Infectious Diseases: ~3-4%

    • COVID-19 (during pandemic years): Contribution varies, but it reached as high as 10% of deaths in 2020-2021.
    • Influenza and Pneumonia: ~1-2%
    • Sepsis and other infections: ~1%
  4. Intentional Harm (Homicides, Suicides): ~3-4%

    • Suicide: ~2%
    • Homicide: ~1%
  5. Other Causes: ~10-15%

    • Chronic conditions not classified elsewhere, such as digestive diseases, hypertensive heart disease, etc.
    • Rare diseases and conditions.

These percentages can vary slightly year to year, but chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and respiratory conditions consistently remain the leading causes of death. Unintentional injuries, including drug overdoses and motor vehicle accidents, are also significant contributors, especially among younger populations.

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