Artificial Silk Rose Bouquet


Artificial Silk Rose Bouquet – A Timeless Symbol of Love & Remembrance

In times of mourning, flowers serve as a heartfelt tribute, expressing love, honor, and eternal devotion. Our Artificial Silk Rose Bouquet (15 Heads, 3-Piece Set) is a lasting and graceful way to commemorate the memory of a loved one while bringing beauty and serenity to any memorial or sacred space.

Why These Artificial Roses Are the Perfect Tribute:

Eternal Beauty – A Memorial That Lasts Forever – Unlike fresh flowers that fade, these realistic silk roses retain their elegance, symbolizing everlasting love and remembrance.
Perfect for Gravesites & Memorial Displays – A thoughtful addition to graves, remembrance tables, home altars, funeral tributes, or church memorials.
High-Quality, Lifelike Appearance – Crafted with realistic petals and rich colors, these roses provide the beauty of fresh flowers without maintenance.
Versatile for Indoor & Outdoor Use – Ideal for garden decoration, home décor, wedding floral arrangements, and seasonal tributes like Christmas memorials.
Weather-Resistant & Durable – Designed to withstand outdoor conditions, ensuring they remain beautiful through all seasons.
Limited Availability – Order Today! – Due to high demand, these artificial silk roses are selling fast. Secure your set now to ensure a perfect tribute for your loved one.

💙 Because love and memories never fade – honor your loved one with a floral tribute that lasts forever.

📦 Fast & Secure Shipping – Order Now While Stocks Last!

$49.00 USD